الاثنين، 11 يناير 2010

Declaration to the Public Opinion

To introduce ourselves, the group Almostakbal of unemployed higher graduates has been established on Tuesday September 15th 2009, it includes unemployed PhD, DESA, DESS and Engineer graduates. We will militate to get our basic and most natural right to work in the public office according to chapters 12 and 13 of the constitution, also according to the ministerial decisions (695/99 and 888/99).

By this declaration to the Moroccan public opinion, the group Almostakbal of unemployed higher graduates wants to reveal and clarify truths which were maintained secret and ambiguous for a long time in order to remove any legitimacy for the claims and requests of the unemployed higher graduates.

Like any higher graduate, each one of us spent years in study and research to obtain useful diplomas for our homeland. Obviously, our claims are not illusory or fictitious. It‘s rather about claims based on the constitution and the law without any interpretation.

The peaceful protest movement of all the groups of unemployed higher graduates including Almostakbal, and who is held before the Parliament or the public institutions in an almost daily way, is nothing but a legitimate request of their rights to work in the public office according to the ministerial decisions already made and approved by the government.

But when one answers these peaceful demonstrations by violent counterparts of the forces of safety and public authorities, that questions the credibility of the government’s decisions and slogans such: State of right and law; to put an end to the periods of violence and transgression … etc. These slogans become totally incredible in front of offences against the peaceful protests of the unemployed higher graduates.

This violent way that the government’s using couldn’t give any appropriate solution to the social problems going from bad to worse day after day.

Therefore, the violence inflicted to the peaceful protest movements of the unemployed higher graduates will not dissuade nor attenuate them. It will, instead make these graduates more determined to militate till’ to achieve their objectives and work in the public office with pride and dignity.

Through this official statement, we recall the government that he cannot exonerate this responsibility, and that he must respect his engagements toward the unemployed higher graduates.

We call also the political committees, right’s committees and the organizations of the civil society, to fulfill their historical responsibility while taking seriously this issue which badly annoyed the unemployed graduates and their families so much so that some thought of suicide instead of waiting eternally for the untrue promises.

Once again, we ask the government to put into practice his decisions (695/99 and 888/99) and his promises to offer 10% of the prescribed jobs this financial year for the unemployed higher graduates.

Knowing that 2010 is pretty particular in term of budget headings which overpass 24 000, then it is quite understood that the unemployed graduates must have about 2400 jobs what would cover largely the needs of all the groups coming to protest on Rabat.

So the question to ask is whether the government will respect his engagements this time or not…?!! We’ll see the next coming days

Finally, we humbly entreat all the free public opinion in Morocco, to totally support us in our right cause

From the office of Almostakbal group


Abd lmohsine.

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. May the coming days brings a good news for all the higher graduates
    taheya nedaleya
